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Protocol for late arrival at school, absences and medical appointments – Getting it Right for Every Child
  1. Late Arrival (9:00am onwards)
    • Children must go to the school office and their attendance will be recorded as late.
    • Children will order school lunch.
  1. Absence from school
  2. Please note that if a child does not arrive at school and we cannot make contact with you to find out if they are at home, they could potentially be missing for a number of hours.  We all need to work together to ensure all children are safe.
    • If your child is going to be off school, please contact the school, each day, as soon as possible before 9am on 01738 454230, leave a message on our absence line 01738 454243, email Goodlyburn@pkc.gov.uk or via SeeSaw.
    • If there has been no communication regarding the absence, school office staff will contact you directly via text message and email.
    • If there has still been no contact then they will call home, mobile and work numbers.  If for any reason they are unable to make contact with you on the first attempt they will try again and a message will be left letting you know that a call will be made to your nominated emergency contact.  This protocol will be followed during the times of 9am – 10.30am and also 1:10pm – 2pm.   This is in line with PKC Guidelines.
    • If no contact can be made by 10:30am / 2pm, office staff will pass this information to SMT (Mrs Sands and Mrs Crockart). SMT will then implement the next steps of the PKC guidance (January 2016).  A decision will be made using the following checklist (direct from PKC guidance):
      • age of the child;
      • previous pattern of lateness/absence;
      • knowledge of the family circumstances;
      • information from siblings/peers;
      • any current/previous child protection concerns;
      • any known health problem/concerns regarding state of mind/individual stresses or circumstances;
      • Social Work involvement;
    • SMT may:
      • Continue to try to make contact by telephone
      • Consider the option of making a home visit;
      • Communicate with Social Services their concerns;
      • Communicate with Police their concerns;
  1. Medical Appointments
    • If the appointment is known in advance, please let your child’s class teacher or a member of the office staff know. They can then update the register in advance so that no unnecessary calls are being made and causing concern.
    • If the appointment is not known in advance, please telephone the school as soon as possible to inform school staff of the absence.  Office staff will then update school records and inform the class teacher.

If you require any further information on Perth and Kinross Attendance Management please get in contact us.