P1-7 #Gaelic - @PerformPerth - a'chiad latha & co-fharpaisean Ghàidhlig - seinn, leughadh, bàrdachd & a'chiad co-fharpais airson an còisir againn. 1st day of competitions and a great day of so

P1-7 #Gaelic - @PerformPerth - a'chiad latha & co-fharpaisean Ghàidhlig - seinn, leughadh, bàrdachd & a'chiad co-fharpais airson an còisir againn. 1st day of competitions and a great day of solo singing, poetry, reading & our choir's first ever competition. @PKC_Gaelic #cleachdi https://t.co/3kPZlAqv05