P1-3 #Gàidhlig - #FinancialEducation - bùithtean fosgailte agus airgead pocaid ri cosg. Rinn clas 3 a'chùis os cionn na bùithtean. Shops open & pocket money to spend, P3 were great shop keepers. @

P1-3 #Gàidhlig - #FinancialEducation - bùithtean fosgailte agus airgead pocaid ri cosg. Rinn clas 3 a'chùis os cionn na bùithtean. Shops open & pocket money to spend, P3 were great shop keepers. @bnagfoghlam @PKC_Gaelic @LeughLeabhar #cleachdi https://t.co/c9zOkDO4zm