Hello Parents,
Our Book Fair is arriving next week and will take a different form from previous years.
This year the children will browse the books delivered to the school and complete a wish list which will be given to them at the Book Fair.
Children will bring their wish list home. You can then check or look online to see their choices. If you are happy with their choices (you can delete or add any if you want) please then proceed to pay for the books. Our Postcode is PH1 2NT.
We have World Book Day Vouchers, one per child, which you can use to deduct £1 from your total order value. Our school benefits as we receive a number of free books depending on the total raised.
When you have paid for the book(s) you will be given a Reference number which you should add to your child’s wish list then return to school when we will issue the items to your child.
The completed wish lists need to be returned to school by Wednesday 9 March so we can issue the books to the children before The Book Fair is collected again on Thursday 10 March.
If you have any questions, please give me a call.
Book Fair